Vercel Drama → Move to Coolify

Vercel Drama → Move to Coolify

In recent days, Vercel, a cloud hosting platform for frontend developers, has announced new pricing plans. While many users are not affected, those who find Vercel expensive have been vocal in their criticism, pointing out that Cloudflare offers free bandwidth.

As a result, many have recommended switching to Coolify, an open-source platform that manages cloud servers like Heroku, Netlify, and Vercel. Coolify offers both a free self-hosted option and a low-cost managed service (where users pay for cloud and infrastructure costs).

Personally, I agree that Vercel’s bandwidth is expensive. For websites with high traffic, I use Cloudflare Pages for assets and deploy Next.js applications to Vercel for convenience. However, for websites with millions of visitors per day, I use Astro and deploy them to Cloudflare Pages instead.

While Vercel’s documentation suggests using Cloudflare as a proxy, I tried setting it up and got three accounts banned. I believe Vercel is actively blocking this workaround.

The Seed Webs team is currently evaluating Coolify. If we decide to migrate, we will share an update.

For more information about Coolify, please visit Coolify.

Additional note from Gemini:

  • Coolify is a relatively new platform, so it may not have all the features of Vercel or other established providers.
  • Coolify’s self-hosted option requires more technical expertise to set up and manage.
  • Coolify’s managed service is still in beta testing, so there may be some bugs or limitations.
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