Choosing a PaaS for Node.js App Deployment

Choosing a PaaS for Node.js App Deployment


For developers seeking to deploy Node.js applications, self-provisioning a VPS (Virtual Private Server) involves managing various aspects, including security and scaling under high load. This is where Platform as a Service (PaaS) emerges as a convenient solution. PaaS platforms simplify the deployment process, handling infrastructure management while allowing developers to focus on application development.

PaaS Options

While Heroku was once a popular choice due to its initial free tier, its subsequent pricing changes have prompted developers to explore alternatives. Numerous promising PaaS providers have emerged, offering similar functionalities and competitive pricing. A Promising PaaS

I’ve been using for the past two months and have been impressed with its user-friendly interface and efficient performance. The platform’s documentation and Jake (@JustJake) on Twitter provide valuable insights into its capabilities.

One of’s standout features is its template system, which simplifies the deployment process. Users can select a predefined template and deploy their application with minimal effort.

Directus Templates

For Directus applications, I particularly recommend the following two templates:

  1. This template separates the database into a dedicated instance, catering to more demanding use cases.
  2. This template utilizes SQLite and encapsulates everything within a single Docker container, making it ideal for blogs and general-purpose websites.

Easy Trial and Affordable Pricing offers a straightforward trial process, requiring no credit card information. Users receive a monthly $5 credit, which can be utilized for a reasonable amount of RAM and CPU resources. For most blogs and organizational websites, this credit should be sufficient.

SEEDX Development on Railway

I’m currently developing SEEDX on, and upon completion, I plan to make it available as a deployable template.

Sharing PaaS Experiences

I encourage fellow developers to share their PaaS experiences in the comments section. Additionally, if you’re aware of any reputable Thai PaaS providers, please share their links. I’m always eager to learn about new options.

Important Note:

As of this writing, does not offer an automated backup system. Therefore, it’s crucial to implement your own backup strategy to safeguard your data.

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