Popover - Displaying a Lightbox without JavaScript

Popover - Displaying a Lightbox without JavaScript

Popover commands are now supported by all modern browsers. Therefore, if your project does not use any complex Lightbox, it is worth considering using this feature.

The documentation can be found at Popover API.

I have provided an example code at CodePen - HTML popover.

Here’s a summary of the benefits of using a popover:

  • No JavaScript required: Popovers are built into the browser, so you don’t need to add any additional JavaScript code to your project.
  • Easy to use: Popovers are easy to create and use. You can simply specify the content of the popover and the element that it should be triggered by.
  • Responsive: Popovers are responsive, so they will work well on all devices, including mobile devices.

If you are looking for a simple and lightweight way to display a Lightbox, then a popover is a great option.

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