Next.js - Submitting Data to the Server and Automatic Updates

Next.js - Submitting Data to the Server and Automatic Updates

Next.js versions 13 and 14 introduced the concept of Server Actions, providing a standard approach for submitting data to the server without the need for explicit API endpoints. This method is particularly well-suited for form submissions.

Server Actions and Revalidating Data

While Server Actions handle the process of sending data to the server, they do not automatically update the client-side view with the latest data. To ensure the client reflects the updated information, such as a newly created Todo item, we can utilize the Revalidating Data feature.

Revalidating Data instructs Next.js to fetch the latest data from the server instead of relying on cached data. This ensures that the client-side view remains synchronized with the server-side state.

I highly recommend checking out these two videos that delve into Server Actions and Revalidating Data in Next.js:

1. Using Forms in Next.js (Server Actions, Revalidating Data)

Presented by Lee Robinson, this tutorial provides a clear and concise explanation of Server Actions and Revalidating Data.

Using Forms in Next.js (Server Actions, Revalidating Data)

2. Next.js Server Actions (revalidatePath, useFormStatus & useOptimistic)

Led by ByteGrad, this tutorial offers a comprehensive breakdown of Server Actions, including revalidatePath, useFormStatus, and useOptimistic. It demonstrates how to implement an Optimistic UI, enhancing the user experience by providing immediate feedback while the data is being updated.

Next.js Server Actions (revalidatePath, useFormStatus & useOptimistic)


Next.js’s Server Actions and Revalidating Data features empower developers to create seamless and responsive data-driven applications. By effectively utilizing these tools, we can ensure that our web applications maintain a consistent and up-to-date state, enhancing the overall user experience.

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