Best WordPress Coding Courses - A Comprehensive Guide

Best WordPress Coding Courses - A Comprehensive Guide

In response to my previous post recommending a WordPress theme/plugin development course by Pla Too, I’ve received inquiries about similar courses offered by international instructors. Based on my experience, I highly recommend Brad Schiff’s WordPress course.

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Brad’s teaching style is exceptional, making complex concepts easy to understand. He starts from the ground up, explaining each command and step in detail, preventing confusion and ensuring that students grasp the fundamentals thoroughly. This approach inspired me to revamp my own theme development teaching method, which I presented at the WordPress Pai Meetup - Create Classic & Block Theme.

Beyond covering the basics of theme and plugin development, Brad’s course also delves into advanced WordPress applications, such as creating custom database tables, integrating with REST API, writing AJAX for search and data filtering, and more. This comprehensive approach makes it an ideal choice for those who want to deepen their coding skills and build full-fledged WordPress solutions.

While frontend development courses can provide valuable skills, Brad’s focus on both frontend and backend aspects empowers students to create more complete and functional WordPress projects.

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